Friday, March 14, 2014

Spotlight on High Desert Decals in Alturas, CA - Dan Ryan

What motivated you to start your business?

Ten years ago, I was looking for decals for my truck that represented the western game species - specifically mule deer, black tail, chukar, turkey, etc.    I was disappointed with what I was seeing offered in the sporting goods stores so I decided to design my own.  Friends and other hunters commented on the decals when they saw them and asked where I got them and my business was started.  I have a custom design staff who I personally direct so that the decals are representative of the species with unique poses and tag lines that I believe reflect the outdoors and the feelings of the hunting and fishing person. My decals are by  a "sportsman for a sportsman"

What makes your business different/standout?

I am an avid hunter and fisherman and know the outdoors and what most hunters want. All of our decals are unique designs, not found anywhere else. In fact, I am the only decal company offering chukar decals. I also offer a custom decal which can be made from a photograph showing the specific animal that a hunter was harvested with date, etc.  We are unique in that we capture that outdoor moment in a vehicle window decal.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

5 Rules to Follow to Get More Leads from Your Website

Want your website to bring in leads? Be sure you have a lead capture system on your website that follows these 5 rules...

#1 - Make Your Offer AWESOME!

You want visitors to actually WANT to get connected with you so we suggest you entice them with a really great offer. This could be a one-time coupon, a free giveaway, a guide, an e-book, access to a insider video...anything you think your potential client might want. Be generous and be creative!            

#2 - Place it Above the Fold

Make sure your lead capture is near the upper portion of your site for quick and easy access. You don't want visitors to have to scroll to the bottom of the page or click through to another page to see where to subscribe.

#3 - Only Ask For the Essentials

You want visitors to easily subscribe or claim your offer so only require basic info (like email and name). This is not the time to get their phone # and address (unless it's directly related to the offer).

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spotlight on Nootka Island Lodge in British Columbia - Tim Cyr

What motivated you to start your business?

I grew up in interior British Columbia.  I have loved fishing for as long as I can remember. We did a lot of trout fishing so my dad looked into purchasing a fresh water fishing lodge. At 18, we re-located to Vancouver Island and the opportunity to purchase what is now Nootka Island Lodge.

31 years later we are still here.  We are pioneers of a sort in that we established the first fishing lodge on the NW side of Vancouver Island.

What makes your business different/standout?  

We are known for our personal service – our staff ratio is almost 1 to 1. Our philosophy is to treat the guests right and they will keep coming back. Some of our guests have been coming to the lodge for over 25 years.  We are family owned and operated and we know that a happy guest refers and keeps our lodge sold.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Two Most Powerful Words in Advertising

If you're reading this - you're wondering what they are? Before I give you the answer – let’s look at marketing the benefits of your service or product and the response of potential customers.

Many of the great marketing books written regarding tested direct response marketing were published several years ago. While the ideas of the gurus like John Caples and David Ogilvy remain valid, there are some changes when promoting in today’s market that need to be addressed so when you create your advertising and website headlines, you maximize your response.

The standard has always been to promote the “Big” benefits for your service or product to get the highest response.  Back then, using the words Free and New had great power and got people excited. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Best Times to Post on Facebook & Twitter Revealed

Ever wonder when is the best time to post to Facebook or Twitter for maximum results? You asked - we did the research and have made an infographic to make it easy for you!

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